Today Iraq is "celebrating" its tenth anniversary of "liberation" with a string of bombing that has already left more than 50 dead, hundreds wounded Riddled by corruption and violence, with more than 90% of its once sizeable Christian community dead or in exile, Iraq gives witness to the reality that Islamic sharia totalitarianism and "fledgling democracy" […]
As authors, we're told to "write what we know". Having lived now in six countries and traveled in more than thirty, including some of the planet’s more difficult corners, it is perhaps inevitable I write international intrigue set well outside "first world" comfort zones from Bolivia to Afghanistan. My latest Tyndale House release Congo Dawn […]
I wrote the below post on events in the Democratic Republic of the Congo three years ago (see link here or at bottom), shortly after a ministry colleague and I had traveled to Nairobi, then she continued on for a hair-raising trip into the Ituri region of the DRC, where we had local ministry partners. […]